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Connect with the world's largest community of playlisters!

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Let your music
into the Club!

Songtrust 使独立和未发表的词曲作者能够通过专业的管理网络收取全球出版版税。


加入 350,000 多位使用 Songtrust 收取全球出版版税的词曲作者、制作人和权利人的行列。立即注册并获得 10% 的会员折扣。

How It Works

Start your membership

As soon as you join Playlister Club your songs will be promoted to an exclusive online ecosystem of playlisters actively looking to dig up new music.

Get more than just


Be really discovered

Your music is displayed on a dynamic dashboard and matched to playlisters specific curation and listening tastes. They can even listen, review and place your songs directly from our platform.

Many playlisters mindlessly read through endless submission inboxes. Instead, our playlisters carefully and manually select songs that truly match their playlists and music tastes. Never have your music lost in an inbox again!

Playlister.clup dashboard image
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